Small & Medium Industries And Other Sectors

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are among the most important sectors that generate the country's economy. Based on the National Economic Census 2016 report by the Department of Statistics Malaysia, in 2015, 98.5% (907,065) industries were Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The breakdown by category is 76.5% in the Micro category, 21.2% in the Small category and 2.3% in the Medium category. Among the responsibilities as owners of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is to implement OSH practices to ensure safe and healthy workers. As an initiative, DOSH has provided a guidance module to help SMEs implement OSH practices in the workplace.
This KKP best practice report is a compilation of the "Compliance Support" program including the "door to door" program which gives emphasis and assistance to the following (7) elements:
- Safety and Health Committee
- Workplace environment
- Occupational Safety and Health Policy
- Ergonomics
- Preparation of Safe Work Procedures
- Reporting Accidents, Dangerous Occurrences, Occupational Poisonings and Occupational Diseases
Through Strategy 6, the Strategic Plan for Occupational Safety and Health in the Small and Medium Enterprises Sector 2016 – 2020 (SME 2020), one of the specific programs planned is to increase the number of OSH practitioners in the SME sector. Each SME must appoint at least one employee as an Occupational Safety and Health Coordinator (OSH Coordinator) to manage OSH-related matters. Among the responsibilities OSH Coordinator is as follows:
- Advise employers on measures that need to be taken in the interests of employee safety and health.
- Assist employers in conducting workplace inspections.
- Assist employers in reporting accidents, dangerous incidents, occupational poisoning and occupational diseases that occur in the workplace to DOKKP.
- Helping employers implement risk management in the workplace
- Carry out other instructions from the employer relating to safety & health at work
To meet the market demand for the need to appoint OSH Coordinator trained, the Department has recognized several qualified teaching centers for the purpose of conducting courses OSH Coordinator This. The appointed teaching center is a teaching center that has fulfilled the conditions set out in the Teaching Center Registration and Renewal Guide. OSH Coordinator issued by the Department.
- List of OSH Coordinator Training Centers
- Occupational Safety and Health Coordinator Training Center Registration and Renewal Guide
- Topic 6 – Introduction to WRRS (Lesson Plan)
- Topic 6 – Introduction to WRRS (Presentation Slides)
- Latest Update – OSH Coordinator Training Center Registration Guide
- Latest Information Regarding OSH Coordinator
- OSH Coordinator Registration Module in MyKKP
- OSH Coordinator Training Center Registration Module on MyKKP
- User Manual (MyKKP) – Registration of Workplaces in Other Sectors
- User Manual (MyKKP) – Application to Activate Workplace
- Bookmark OSH Coordinator
In line with the OSHMP 2025 and Development Projects under the 12th Malaysia Plan (12th RM), the Department has introduced a systematic program, namely the Verification and Gradual Improvement of OSH Levels for Small and Medium Enterprises or Stepwise OSH Level Verification and Enhancement for Small and Medium Enterprise (SOLVE 4 SME) to improve the level of OSH management in SMEs. The SOLVE 4 SME program that was developed is according to the SOHELP blue-print in SMEs. This program module will be used by DOSH when implementing the compliance support program in 2021 - 2025 in 1,000 SMEs involving 10,000 employers and employees. Through SOLVE 4 SME, it is hoped that compliance with legislation related to occupational safety and health, namely the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 and the Regulations under it, can be increased.
Apart from that, the implementation of SOLVE 4 SME is expected to provide improvements to compliance support programs in SMEs which are seen as less effective and difficult to implement. The SOLVE 4 SME that has been designed has characteristics such as high impact, easy to implement, low cost and can be implemented in all types of SME industries.
There are several types of tax deductions provided by the government for matters related to occupational safety and health (OSH). Among them are those related to the purchase of personal protective equipment (PPE). Industry parties can refer to the relevant government agencies for more information.
Source: Inland Revenue Board (IRB)