- This Safe Site discusses several issues related to the hazards of working with or near live electrical circuits and good work practices that can be adopted to ensure that the work can be carried out safely.
- This Safe Site presents the findings of an online reporting study related to SHO KPIs on construction sites.
Feedback and further information regarding this analysis can be submitted to fiqri@mohr.gov.my or mfairuz@mohr.gov.my.
- This Safe Site is provided as a guide and preparation for DOSH officers regarding the new regulations that will replace the BOWECS Regulations. The new regulations are based on the CDM (UK) Regulations.
- This Safe Place is provided as an introduction to working at height.
- This Safe Site presents an analysis of fatal accidents involving construction workers recorded in 2019 and its key facts. This information can be used as a guide to improving the enforcement and management of occupational safety and health at construction projects. Feedback and further information regarding this analysis can be submitted to nazruddin@mohr.gov.my or mfairuz@mohr.gov.my.
Any feedback can be emailed to. mfairuz@mohr.gov.my.
- The Occupational Safety and Health (Noise Exposure) Regulations 2019 have replaced the Factories and Machinery (Noise Exposure) Regulations 1989. In conjunction with this, Tapak Selamat provides recommendations on how the implementation of these regulations can be made in the construction industry. This Tapak Selamat details the planning and implementation guidelines for clients and builders involved in construction projects.
- This Safe Site is provided to receive feedback on several key issues from all stakeholders in the construction industry regarding the implementation of the OSHCIM Guidelines.
- This Safe Site summarizes the main activities of BKTB throughout 2019 in promoting the OSHCIM Guidelines.
Any feedback can be emailed to mfairuz@mohr.gov.my.
- The Main Pillar of KKP Leadership
This article explains 10 key pillars that will help employers achieve successful employee leadership and engagement, thus encouraging OSH ownership.
- Watch Your Step
The Occupational Health and Safety Act requires builders as employers who create and work with workplace risks to create and maintain safe workplaces and routes. safe for its employees and other people who are not its employees. Happy means there is no risk of workers being hit by machinery, no risk of workers tripping/slipping, no risk of workers falling from heights, no risk of workers being hit by falling objects and other safety hazards, whether while workers are working or using paths on the construction site. This Safe Site explains the priorities of a safe work environment, which contributed to 32.3% accidents investigated by DOSH between 2012 and 2016. Finally, it explains what employers need to do to ensure that the site and work environment are safe.
- OSH Strategic Plan 2018-2020: Construction Industry
The Strategic Plan for Occupational Safety and Health in the Construction Industry is briefly explained in terms of 2018 achievements and 2019 targets.
- Prevention Through Design
The concept of Prevention by Design is explained along with its implementation in selected countries around the world. The status of the Guidelines for Occupational Safety and Health in the Construction Industry (Management) is stated.
- Guide to Clients
Several guidelines are briefly stated to clients based on the recommendations in the Guidelines for Occupational Safety and Health in the Construction Industry (Management) 2017.
- Construction Strategic Plan
The Strategic Plan for Occupational Safety and Health in the Construction Industry is briefly explained in terms of background, outcomes and focus.
- Stairs
Common hazards when using ladders along with control measures are explained based on the requirements of regulations and guidelines. Other issues such as approval of scaffolding designs and drawings, use of JKJ 26 notices and red dust and bending fatigue in wire ropes are also discussed in detail.
- Some Construction Safety Issues
Several issues related to construction site enforcement and legal requirements (appointment of safety and health officers and approval of scaffolding designs) are explained.
- Accident Statistics
Accident statistics in the construction industry for 2015 were presented and analyzed along with the consequences of violating legal requirements.
- Blasting at Construction Sites
There are specific legal requirements, under Part XV, BOWECS regarding blasting activities on construction sites. Contractors are required to appoint designated persons and gunners to ensure safe blasting operations.
- Preventing Buffer Accidents
There are six basic points that require special attention to prevent buffer accidents. These six points are a combination of the essence of legal requirements and lessons learned from forensic accident investigations.
- Dredging Safety
Common hazards associated with excavation work are presented along with practical guidance on how to control them. Much of this content has been published as the Construction Industry (Excavation) Safety and Health Guidelines 2017.