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The Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOH) today organized a Seminar on Occupational Safety and Health Regulations (Construction Work) (Design and Management) 2024 in conjunction with the Closing Ceremony of the Occupational Safety and Health Week (OHS) 2024. This seminar was officiated by Yang Berusaha Ir. Haji Mohd Hatta bin Zakaria, Director General of DOOH Malaysia.

Occupational Safety and Health Week or known as OSH Week is an annual event celebrated every year following a Cabinet directive on 24 May 2006. 

Theme OSH Week This year is the OSH Landscape Revolution: Post-Occupational Safety and Health (Amendment) Act 2022 and Factories and Machinery (Repeal) Act 2022.

In line with this year's theme, the programs and activities planned and implemented are aimed at publicizing and promoting the Occupational Safety and Health (Amendment) Act 2022 and the Factories and Machinery (Repeal) Act 2022, as well as subsidiary legislation under it.

The seminar held today focused on the Occupational Safety and Health (Construction Work) (Design and Management) Regulations 2024 which came into effect on 1 June 2024. These regulations were enacted to ensure that construction projects are carried out safely and healthily by setting obligations for stakeholders such as clients, designers and builders.

The construction sector recorded: 

  1. An increase in the number of occupational injuries by 21% in 2023 compared to 2022. In 2022, the construction sector recorded 160 cases, while in 2023 it was 194 cases; and
  2. The number of fatal injuries also increased by 61%, from 63 cases in 2022 to 67 cases in 2023.

This makes the construction sector the highest contributing sector to fatal injuries in 2023 and the fourth highest sector for occupational injuries in the same year.

In this regard, it is hoped that through the enforcement of the Occupational Safety and Health (Construction Work) (Design and Management) Regulations 2024, the parties given the duty will work together to manage the project safely throughout the construction, maintenance and demolition periods and can help reduce cases of fatal injuries and occupational injuries which are currently at a phase that requires serious attention.


Issued by:

Office of the Director General

Department of Occupational Safety and Health Malaysia

August 5, 2024




The Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOH) today organized a Seminar on Occupational Safety and Health Regulations (Construction Work) (Design and Management) 2024 in conjunction with the Closing Ceremony of the Occupational Safety and Health Week (OHS) 2024. This seminar was officiated by Yang Berusaha Ir. Haji Mohd Hatta bin Zakaria, Director General of DOOH Malaysia.

Occupational Safety and Health Week or known as OSH Week is an annual event celebrated every year following a Cabinet directive on 24 May 2006.

Theme OSH Week this year is the KKP Landscape Revolution: Post Occupational Safety and Health (Amendment) Act 2022 and Factories and Machinery (Repeal) Act 2022.

In line with this year's theme, the programs and activities planned and implemented are aimed at publicizing and promoting the Occupational Safety and Health (Amendment) Act 2022 and the Factories and Machinery (Repeal) Act 2022, as well as subsidiary legislation under it.

The seminar held today focused on the Occupational Safety and Health (Construction Work) (Design and Management) Regulations 2024 which comes into effect on 1 June 2024. This regulation was enacted to ensure that construction projects are carried out safely and healthily by setting obligations for stakeholders such as clients, designers and builders.

The construction sector recorded:

  1. An increase in the number of occupational injuries by 21% in 2023 compared to 2022. In 2022, the construction sector recorded 160 cases, while in 2023 it was 194 cases; and
    1. The number of fatal injuries also increased by 61%, from 63 cases in 2022 to 67 cases in 2023.

This makes the construction sector the highest contributing sector to fatal injuries in 2023 and the fourth highest sector for occupational injuries in the same year.

In this regard, it is hoped that through the enforcement of the Occupational Safety and Health (Construction Work) (Design and Management) Regulations 2024, the parties given the duty will work together to manage the project safely throughout the construction, maintenance and demolition periods and can help reduce cases of fatal injuries and occupational injuries which are currently at a phase that requires serious attention.


Issued by:

Office of the Director General

Department of Occupational Safety and Health Malaysia

August 5, 2024



The Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH), the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health (MNKKP) in collaboration with FGV Holdings Berhad today organized the DOSH-FGV Ageing Plant Management System (APMS) Appreciation Ceremony in conjunction with Occupational Safety and Health Week 2024. The ceremony, which was held at FGV Palm Industries Sdn. Bhd., Air Tawar Palm Oil Mill, Kota Tinggi, Johor, was officiated by Yang Berusaha Ir. Haji Mohd Hatta bin Zakaria, Director General of DOSH Malaysia.

The organization of this event is very significant because it coincides with the annual celebration of Occupational Safety and Health Week. (OSH Week) which is celebrated every year in the second week of July. Theme OSH Week this year is “OSH Landscape Revolution: Post-Occupational Safety and Health (Amendment) Act 2022 and Factories and Machinery (Repeal) Act 2022”. Symbolically, this awards ceremony is the official DOSH ceremony for the celebration OSH Week year 2024.  

Since 2023, FGV Holdings Berhad (FGV) has taken its own initiative by involving 86 plants under its supervision in conducting a self-assessment of the asset integrity management system using the Aging Plant Information System (APIS). This initiative can instill enthusiasm and increase awareness of self-regulation among the industry and can foster the highest standards of safety and health in the workplace.

This self-initiative is also very much in line with the objectives and call for all stakeholders to work together and collaborate according to the concept of tripartism, as well as strengthening the commitment to achieving the goal of a safer and more efficient working environment for all Malaysians.

System APIS developed by DOKKP can help the industry conduct a self-assessment of the asset integrity management system at their plants. Monitoring of asset integrity aims to assess whether a plant is experiencing deterioration or obsolescence that can trigger plant aging issues regardless of its age, integrity or functional performance.

The deterioration or obsolescence of this plant, if not monitored, maintained and managed properly and efficiently, can lead to unplanned plant shutdowns and subsequently cause losses to the company.

Self-assessment using the system APIS This is important in the effort to creating a safer and more efficient work environment through technology integration, also in line with the country's OSH landscape which will evolve in line with the enforcement of the Occupational Safety and Health (Amendment) Act 2022 which has come into force since June 1, 2024.


Issued by:

Office of the Director General

Department of Occupational Safety and Health Malaysia

July 11, 2024




The Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOS) has held Operation SPARK (Distribution of Legislation AKKP Revolution National KKP) today. This operation was led by YBrs. Ir. Haji Mohd Hatta bin Zakaria, Director General of DOKKP Malaysia.

The government is strongly committed to ensuring that all workers in this country can work in a safe, healthy, conducive and productive work environment. This commitment was expressed through the gazettement of the Occupational Safety and Health (Amendment) Act 2022 on 16 March 2022.

Occupational Safety and Health (Amendment) Act 2022 has come into force on June 1, 2024. The initiative for the dissemination of this Amendment Act has been actively carried out through the National OSH New Legislation Dissemination program, in six (6) zones nationwide, starting on 20 May 2024 in Penang (Northern Zone) and ending on 29 May 2024 in Selangor (Central Zone). A total of 1,103 participants were physically present in the 6 zones and 6,281 participants were present online during the closing session of the program.

Operation SPARK took place for ten (10) days starting on 12 June 2024 until 27 June 2024 simultaneously throughout the country. Operation SPARK, which involved 1,241 workplaces, was carried out by DOSH officers through enforcement activities in various industrial sectors (a total of 40%), inspections of certified machinery (a total of 40%) and enforcement of construction sites (a total of 15%). 

The purpose of Operation SPARK was to publicize the coming into force of the Occupational Safety and Health (Amendment) Act 2022, and the repeal of the Factories and Machinery Act 1967. This operation also aimed to determine the effectiveness of the DOSH publicity strategy regarding the new National Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) legislation. As a result of this operation, 70% workplaces responded positively and informed them that they were aware of the latest amendments to the OSH Act. 

In terms of dissemination methods, 43% respondents from the workplace stated that organizing roadshows and seminars had successfully provided information regarding the latest amendments to the OSH Act. While 20% industry members agreed that social media platforms such as DOKKP's Facebook and DOKKP's TikTok played an important role in disseminating information and 37% industry members learned about this legislative amendment through MyKKP.  

Among the significant changes in this Amendment Act are the introduction of new provisions relating to the responsibility of conducting risk assessments, the appointment of a Safety and Health Coordinator (OSH Coordinator) and increased penalty (deterrent effect) which is ten (10) times the existing one, i.e. the maximum penalty is increased from RM50,000 to RM500,000.

With this increase in the maximum penalty, indirectly the issue of safety, health and welfare of workers will be given attention by making the workplace free from accidents and occupational diseases.

DOSH always emphasizes the importance of enforcing existing laws as well as the need to adapt to new challenges in OSH to ensure that the workplace is always safe, healthy, conducive and prosperous.


Issued by:

Office of the Director General

Department of Occupational Safety and Health Malaysia

July 5, 2024


Petroliam Nasional Berhad (PETRONAS) in collaboration with the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health (MNKKP) today organized Project Delivery & Technology (PD&T) and Partners Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Conference 2024This conference was officiated by Yang Berusaha Ir. Haji Mohd Hatta bin Zakaria, Director General of DOSH Malaysia.

The organization of this conference is also soft launch Occupational Safety and Health Week celebration (OSH Week) 2024 national level. Welcome OSH Week is an annual event celebrated on the 2nd week of July every year starting in 2006, following the approval and directive of the Malaysian Cabinet on 24 May 2006. 

Theme OSH Week This year's theme is "OSH Landscape Revolution: Post-Occupational Safety and Health (Amendment) Act 2022 and Factories and Machinery (Repeal) Act 2022". The celebration's implementation period OSH Week starting as early as June, in conjunction with the enforcement date of the Occupational Safety and Health (Amendment) Act 2022 until 31 July 2024.

The organisation of this conference is an ongoing effort by PETRONAS which aims to increase awareness and levels of occupational safety and health in the workplace based on the concept of tripartism.

This conference also serves as a benchmark for an integrated commitment to health, safety and environmental excellence. It also demonstrates PETRONAS' commitment in line with the conference theme towards Mission Zero Possible: Commitment and Accountability.

PETRONAS plays a key role in enhancing the knowledge and competence of qualified Safety and Health Officers (SHOs) in Malaysia. Through various initiatives, PETRONAS has contributed significantly to the training and development of SHOs, ensuring they are equipped with the knowledge to address the dynamic challenges of occupational safety and health.

The National Occupational Safety and Health Master Plan 2021-2025 or OSHMP25 was developed with the aim of further strengthening the formation of “Safe and Healthy Work Culture” among employers and employees and today's program is one of the programs below Strategic Thrust 6 is Strengthening OSH through Technology.

The organization of this conference is important in the effort to create a safer and more efficient work environment through the integration of technology, also in line with the country's OSH landscape which will evolve in line with the enforcement of Occupational Safety and Health (Amendment) Act 2022 which came into force on June 1, 2024.

This amendment will drive improvements in workplace safety and health standards and thus ensure a safer working environment for all Malaysians.


Issued by:

Office of the Director General

Department of Occupational Safety and Health Malaysia

June 24, 2024




KESUMA through the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health (MNKKP), the Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOH) and Malaysian Society for Occupational Safety & Health (MSOSH), today organized a Celebration Ceremony for the World Day for Safety and Health at Work (World OSH Day) 2024. This ceremony was officiated by the Honorable Mr. Steven Sim Chee Keong, Minister of Human Resources.

World Day for Safety and Health at Work or more synonymously called World Health Organization Day, introduced by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and celebrated on April 28 every year around the world. World Health Organization Day is also part of the Labor Day Celebration program.

The organization of this event is an ongoing effort and the government's commitment is in line with ILO Convention No. 187: Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health which was ratified by Malaysia in 2012 to ensure that occupational safety and health (OSH) aspects are well protected.

The organization of this event also aims to remember the victims involved in occupational accidents and diseases as well as promote a culture of prevention of occupational accidents and diseases in the workplace.

Celebration theme World Health Organization Day this year is “The Impact of Climate Change on Occupational Safety and Health” or "The Impacts of Climate Change on Occupational Safety and Health" as stipulated by the ILO.

This theme introduced by the ILO is in line with the current effects of global climate change which can affect work activities and increase the risk of injuries, occupational diseases and deaths.

Today's ceremony brought together a total of 2,500 participants consisting of OSH practitioners. This was the largest gathering of OSH practitioners from across the country, where the reading of the Pledge of Integrity recited by all participants was recorded as "The Largest Integrity Pledge by OSH Practitioners in Malaysia" in Malaysian Book of Records.

The government is always committed to addressing current climate change issues by strengthening various aspects sustainability in the economic development agenda to ensure the country's economy remains resilient in facing future challenges and this coincides with 3K Strategic Mission KESUMA means empowering Welfare, Skills and Employee Success.

This is also in line with the policies introduced by the government including CIVIL Malaysia Framework, Mid-Term Review of RMK12 (KSP-RMK12) which includes  Energy Transition Roadmap (NETR) and New Industrial Master Plan 2030 (NIMP30), Strategic Thrust 7- Improving Occupational Safety and Health related to Future Jobs (Future Jobs) in the National Occupational Safety and Health Master Plan 2021-2025 as well as National Security Policy 2021-2025 which outlines regarding Sustainable Development through Climate Change Management and also National Climate Change Policy (2009) aims to ensure that workers in all sectors can work in safe, healthy, conducive and prosperous conditions.


Issued by:

Office of the Director General

Department of Occupational Safety and Health Malaysia

April 28, 2024

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Updated Date:

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