Petroleum Security Section
The Petroleum Safety Division enforces the following legislation: –
- Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994
- CIMAH Regulations 1996
- Petroleum (Safety Measures) Act 1984
- Federal Ministers Order (No.2)2013[PU(A)184]
The functions of the Petroleum Safety Division are as follows: –
- Ensure that occupational safety and health management in the workplace is implemented properly and that the integrity of qualified machinery is intact and safe to operate;
- Conducting audits of compliance with enforced acts and the implemented occupational safety and health management system including OSR MS audits on each offshore petroleum utility;
- Review, assess, inspect and monitor the safety of petroleum storage and handling premises;
- Assess the Industrial Activity Reports and Site Emergency Plans prepared and submitted by manufacturers of major hazardous installations to the Department in compliance with the requirements of CIMAH Regulations;
- Conducting investigations and prosecutions for cases related to petroleum safety and major hazardous installations;
- Ensure that the transportation and handling system of petroleum materials through land and water pipelines is safe and free from safety hazards and disruptions;
- Develop legislation such as industry regulatory guidelines and industry standards related to petroleum safety as well as review and study existing legislation; and
- Head Office Coordinator (for Special Risk Section activities) of the state office.
- Conducting classification and verification of industrial activities against hazardous materials that may contribute to major accidents;
- Review and evaluate Industrial Activity Reports, Site Emergency Reports, Public Information and Safe Operation Documents based on CIMAH regulations;
- Planning and conducting audits, inspections and analyzing compliance achievements at major hazardous installation sites;
- ERP coordination with external agencies such as local authorities/communities;
- Establishing standards and standards for site emergency plans at the national and international levels;
- Providing advisory services to government and non-government agencies on issues related to major accidents;
- Preparation, mitigation, recovery
- Calibration among agencies under MKN (MKN 20)
- Focus on preventing major accidents based on Topographic Risk;
- Develop methods and management of major hazardous accidents that are appropriate for the country (Industrial Impact);
- Assisting the industry in implementing local and international industry best practices in the management of major industrial hazard disasters; and
- Control, administer and supervise the system of recognition and accreditation of teaching staff and teaching centres.
- Conducting an assessment/audit on 'aging plants' on plants over 20 years old to ensure integrity and good machinery for operation.
- Ensure applications for extension of qualification certificates are in accordance with legal provisions and the Director General's Circular;
- Conduct field verification of applicants for extension of qualification certificates and propose verification results to the Director General;
- Process applications for the Special Inspection Scheme in accordance with the provisions of the SSI Regulations;
- Evaluate and approve methodology which will be used by organizations applying to implement SSI;
- Assess the organization's capabilities in terms of knowledge, safety and health management practices before implementing SSI;
- Conducting SSI inspections and audits before renewing the qualification certificate according to a certain period; and
- Carrying out promotional and publicity activities related to the implementation of SSI Regulations.
- Conducting investigations into petroleum-related complaints;
- Conducting investigations into petroleum-related accidents;
- Preparing/reviewing investigation papers for prosecution purposes;
- Handling prosecution cases;
- Develop and strengthen investigation and prosecution teams;
- Review, evaluate and research previous petroleum accident cases;
- Develop and enhance human capital knowledge for officers;
- Using the latest and available methods and technology for prosecution cases; and
- Conducting inquiries into petroleum-related accidents.
- Enforce the Petroleum (Safety Measures) Act 1984, the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 and the Factories and Machinery Act 1967;
- Conduct audits of the Occupational Safety and Health Management System and the Asset Integrity Management System used (Offshore Self-Regulation Management System – OSR-MS);
- Ensure that the structures, equipment, facilities and tools used are designed in accordance with recognized industry codes of practice;
- Conducting offshore petroleum pipeline integrity management audits;
- Carrying out preventive, monitoring and health control activities for workers on the platform;
- Conducting investigations into complaints and accidents;
- Investigating for the purpose of prosecution of violations of the law;
- Develop and review regulations and guidelines related to occupational safety and health;
- Establish a national inventory of oil and gas platforms and the use of machinery in offshore activities;
- Member of the Committee related to the Exclusive Economic Zone together with other authorities; and
- Carrying out promotional and publicity activities to customers and government and private agencies.
- Supervise the implementation and coordinate enforcement actions of relevant acts and regulations;
- Grant approval for the delivery of petroleum by road, railway, water and pipeline;
- Granting permission for pipeline works;
- Conducting integrity inspections of onshore petroleum pipelines;
- Conduct audits of petroleum shipments by road, rail, water and pipeline;
- Perform petroleum inspection on any petroleum transport ship upon arrival at the port;
- Granting permission for the loading, unloading & discharging of petroleum at ports or places authorized by the Minister;
- Granting permission to ships transporting petroleum to enter the port;
- Conducting assessments on current issues regarding petroleum transportation;
- Review and evaluate reports intelligent pigging periodically; and
- Perform CP (Cathodic Protection) inspections on petroleum utilities on land.
- Ensure that the reticulation system (LPG and natural gas) is safe to operate;
- Ensure that bulk storage systems and pipelines are designed according to design codes recognized by the Department through careful assessment;
- Conduct inspections of bulk storage systems and pipelines before operating permits are issued; and
- To ensure that a bulk storage system and pipeline are safe through periodic inspections.
- Providing expert advisory services to support the process of issuing petroleum storage permits to Local Authorities [PBT];
- Providing expert advisory services to support the process of issuing petroleum operating licenses to Local Authorities [PBT];
- Determination of testing or verification methods for petroleum equipment;
- Issuance of petroleum equipment test or verification certificates;
- Make rectifications to existing petroleum equipment;
- Conduct inspections and monitoring of petroleum equipment;
- Review and approve petroleum equipment, gadgets, materials, logistics, fittings, buildings, structures and installations;
- Conduct inspections of petroleum storage/handling premises;
- Review and assess the safety aspects of the design of petroleum storage and handling premises;
- Establish and enforce petroleum container labeling standards;
- Establish and enforce hazard communication requirements;
- Review the design of bulk storage tanks (atmospheric tanks); and
- Conducting audits of petroleum storage and handling OHS systems according to international standards.
- Conduct research based on petroleum safety when storing and handling petroleum (Equipment and Installation);
- Develop guidelines related to Petroleum Equipment and Installations;
- Develop petroleum standards at the national and international levels;
- Providing technical & professional guidance services to the petroleum industry and KPKT;
- Develop/review legislation related to petroleum safety;
- Make an assessment on the use of new NDT and DT technologies;
- Conducting promotions on petroleum safety;
- Develop standards for the safe use of petroleum equipment;
- Develop a procedure for approval of petroleum equipment and supplies;
- Process and approve petroleum equipment and supplies;
- Compliance with safety by Competent Firms in Petroleum activities through registration, inspection, testing, auditing and monitoring processes.
Petroleum Safety Division Organization Chart