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Petroleum Security Section


The Petroleum Safety Division enforces the following legislation: –

  1. Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994
    • CIMAH Regulations 1996
  2. Petroleum (Safety Measures) Act 1984
  3. Federal Ministers Order (No.2)2013[PU(A)184]

The functions of the Petroleum Safety Division are as follows: –

  1. Ensure that occupational safety and health management in the workplace is implemented properly and that the integrity of qualified machinery is intact and safe to operate;
  2. Conducting audits of compliance with enforced acts and the implemented occupational safety and health management system including OSR MS audits on each offshore petroleum utility;
  3. Review, assess, inspect and monitor the safety of petroleum storage and handling premises;
  4. Assess the Industrial Activity Reports and Site Emergency Plans prepared and submitted by manufacturers of major hazardous installations to the Department in compliance with the requirements of CIMAH Regulations;
  5. Conducting investigations and prosecutions for cases related to petroleum safety and major hazardous installations;
  6. Ensure that the transportation and handling system of petroleum materials through land and water pipelines is safe and free from safety hazards and disruptions;
  7. Develop legislation such as industry regulatory guidelines and industry standards related to petroleum safety as well as review and study existing legislation; and
  8. Head Office Coordinator (for Special Risk Section activities) of the state office.
  1. Conducting classification and verification of industrial activities against hazardous materials that may contribute to major accidents;
  2. Review and evaluate Industrial Activity Reports, Site Emergency Reports, Public Information and Safe Operation Documents based on CIMAH regulations;
  3. Planning and conducting audits, inspections and analyzing compliance achievements at major hazardous installation sites;
  4. ERP coordination with external agencies such as local authorities/communities;
  5. Establishing standards and standards for site emergency plans at the national and international levels;
  6. Providing advisory services to government and non-government agencies on issues related to major accidents;
    • Preparation, mitigation, recovery
    • Calibration among agencies under MKN (MKN 20)
  7. Focus on preventing major accidents based on Topographic Risk;
  8. Develop methods and management of major hazardous accidents that are appropriate for the country (Industrial Impact);
  9. Assisting the industry in implementing local and international industry best practices in the management of major industrial hazard disasters; and
  10. Control, administer and supervise the system of recognition and accreditation of teaching staff and teaching centres.
  11. Conducting an assessment/audit on 'aging plants' on plants over 20 years old to ensure integrity and good machinery for operation.
  1. Ensure applications for extension of qualification certificates are in accordance with legal provisions and the Director General's Circular;
  2. Conduct field verification of applicants for extension of qualification certificates and propose verification results to the Director General;
  3. Process applications for the Special Inspection Scheme in accordance with the provisions of the SSI Regulations;
  4. Evaluate and approve methodology which will be used by organizations applying to implement SSI;
  5. Assess the organization's capabilities in terms of knowledge, safety and health management practices before implementing SSI;
  6. Conducting SSI inspections and audits before renewing the qualification certificate according to a certain period; and
  7. Carrying out promotional and publicity activities related to the implementation of SSI Regulations.
  1. Conducting investigations into petroleum-related complaints;
  2. Conducting investigations into petroleum-related accidents;
  3. Preparing/reviewing investigation papers for prosecution purposes;
  4. Handling prosecution cases;
  5. Develop and strengthen investigation and prosecution teams;
  6. Review, evaluate and research previous petroleum accident cases;
  7. Develop and enhance human capital knowledge for officers;
  8. Using the latest and available methods and technology for prosecution cases; and
  9. Conducting inquiries into petroleum-related accidents.
  1. Enforce the Petroleum (Safety Measures) Act 1984, the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 and the Factories and Machinery Act 1967;
  2. Conduct audits of the Occupational Safety and Health Management System and the Asset Integrity Management System used (Offshore Self-Regulation Management System – OSR-MS);
  3. Ensure that the structures, equipment, facilities and tools used are designed in accordance with recognized industry codes of practice;
  4. Conducting offshore petroleum pipeline integrity management audits;
  5. Carrying out preventive, monitoring and health control activities for workers on the platform;
  6. Conducting investigations into complaints and accidents;
  7. Investigating for the purpose of prosecution of violations of the law;
  8. Develop and review regulations and guidelines related to occupational safety and health;
  9. Establish a national inventory of oil and gas platforms and the use of machinery in offshore activities;
  10. Member of the Committee related to the Exclusive Economic Zone together with other authorities; and
  11. Carrying out promotional and publicity activities to customers and government and private agencies.
  • Supervise the implementation and coordinate enforcement actions of relevant acts and regulations;
  • Grant approval for the delivery of petroleum by road, railway, water and pipeline;
  • Granting permission for pipeline works;
  • Conducting integrity inspections of onshore petroleum pipelines;
  • Conduct audits of petroleum shipments by road, rail, water and pipeline;
  • Perform petroleum inspection on any petroleum transport ship upon arrival at the port;
  • Granting permission for the loading, unloading & discharging of petroleum at ports or places authorized by the Minister;
  • Granting permission to ships transporting petroleum to enter the port;
  • Conducting assessments on current issues regarding petroleum transportation;
  • Review and evaluate reports intelligent pigging periodically; and
  • Perform CP (Cathodic Protection) inspections on petroleum utilities on land.
  • Ensure that the reticulation system (LPG and natural gas) is safe to operate;
  • Ensure that bulk storage systems and pipelines are designed according to design codes recognized by the Department through careful assessment;
  • Conduct inspections of bulk storage systems and pipelines before operating permits are issued; and
  • To ensure that a bulk storage system and pipeline are safe through periodic inspections.
  1. Providing expert advisory services to support the process of issuing petroleum storage permits to Local Authorities [PBT];
  2. Providing expert advisory services to support the process of issuing petroleum operating licenses to Local Authorities [PBT];
  3. Determination of testing or verification methods for petroleum equipment;
  4. Issuance of petroleum equipment test or verification certificates;
  5. Make rectifications to existing petroleum equipment;
  6. Conduct inspections and monitoring of petroleum equipment;
  7. Review and approve petroleum equipment, gadgets, materials, logistics, fittings, buildings, structures and installations;
  8. Conduct inspections of petroleum storage/handling premises;
  9. Review and assess the safety aspects of the design of petroleum storage and handling premises;
  10. Establish and enforce petroleum container labeling standards;
  11. Establish and enforce hazard communication requirements;
  12. Review the design of bulk storage tanks (atmospheric tanks); and
  13. Conducting audits of petroleum storage and handling OHS systems according to international standards.
  1. Conduct research based on petroleum safety when storing and handling petroleum (Equipment and Installation);
  2. Develop guidelines related to Petroleum Equipment and Installations;
  3. Develop petroleum standards at the national and international levels;
  4. Providing technical & professional guidance services to the petroleum industry and KPKT;
  5. Develop/review legislation related to petroleum safety;
  6. Make an assessment on the use of new NDT and DT technologies;
  7. Conducting promotions on petroleum safety;
  8. Develop standards for the safe use of petroleum equipment;
  9. Develop a procedure for approval of petroleum equipment and supplies;
  10. Process and approve petroleum equipment and supplies;
  11. Compliance with safety by Competent Firms in Petroleum activities through registration, inspection, testing, auditing and monitoring processes.

Petroleum Safety Division Organization Chart

External Links


Department of Occupational Safety and Health

Level 5 (Main Counter), Setia Perkasa 4,
Setia Perkasa Complex,
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan,
62530 Putrajaya

Tel: 03-8000 8000

Fax: 03-8889 2443


Hari Ini: 49,369
Bulan Ini: 1,017,619
Jumlah: 37,849,166

Updated Date:

10 / 2 / 2025

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