Small & Medium Industries (SMEs) and Non-Factory Sector (SBK) Division
The Small and Medium Industries and Non-Factory Sector Division (BIKSSBK) is responsible as the headquarters coordinator to coordinate programs carried out by two sections in the State DOSH office, namely the Small and Medium Industries Section (IKS) and the Enforcement Section (SP). These programs include coordinating development allocations for the 12th RM to implement the specified activities, setting methods and targets for workplace inspections, providing advisory services to stakeholders and improving the competence of State DOSH officers.
This division also collaborates with stakeholders and related work agencies such as federal and state civil service agencies, State Secretaries, associations and NGOs and other relevant parties. This collaboration aims to create cooperation to ensure that worker safety and health can be practiced in SMEs and all other economic sectors.
Organization Chart of the IKS and SBK Division