Scaffolding Operator
In Regulation 74 (1) of the Factories and Machinery (Operation of Buildings and Engineering Construction Works) (Safety) Regulations 1986, it is stated that “no scaffolding shall be erected or substantially altered or removed except under the direct supervision of a designated person.”
The meaning of designated person is interpreted as a competent person appointed by the employer to carry out supervisory or inspection work or perform duties or as specified in the regulations. While a competent person in this context means someone who has attended and passed a scaffolding operator course and obtained a competency certificate from a training center recognized by DOKKP.
In the Director General's Circular Number 12 of 1999 (Directive on the Registration of Scaffolding and Crane Operators), item 4(d) states that every scaffolding operator must be registered with the DOSH before they are allowed to carry out scaffolding installation, maintenance and renovation work.
The validity of the competency certificate issued by DOSH is 2 years and applications for registration and renewal must be made within one year after passing the assessment or the expiry date of the competency certificate. For those applying after that period, applicants are required to attend a re-assessment conducted by a teaching centre recognised by the department.
Registration of Competent Persons (OYK) for Scaffolding Operators
- MyKKP at url by: Login (ID and Password) > Competent Person (Dashboard view) > Security > Scaffolding Operator > Basic/Intermediate/Highest (please choose one)
References can also be made on the mykkp website by clicking on the GUIDE tab > COMPETENT PERSONS > SAFETY > DEVICE OPERATORS > REGISTRATION
- General Applicant Information
- Employer Information
- Academic Qualification Information
- Work Experience Information
- Application-Related Course Information
- Information on Applicant's Academic Certificates and Competencies
- Medical Information (latest)
- Supporting documents:
- Copy of Identity Card – MANDATORY
- Original letter of acknowledgement from employer showing detailed daily duties and machinery under the applicant's care up to now -MANDATORY
- Other documents requested if necessary
- Make a Certificate and Submit for Registration Application
- Applicants must wait for an interview call from the State DOSH for the interview date and time.
Renewal of Competent Person (OYK) Scaffolding Operator
- MyKKP at url by: Login (ID and Password) > Competent Person (Dashboard display) > Update Notification > OYK Information > Update
References can also be made on the mykkp website by clicking on the GUIDE tab > COMPETENT PERSONS > SAFETY > DEVICE OPERATORS > RENEWAL
- General Applicant Information
- Employer Information
- Academic Qualification Information
- Work Experience Information
- Information on Applicant's Academic Certificates and Competencies
- Medical Information (latest)
- Supporting documents:
- Copy of Identity Card – MANDATORY
- Original letter of acknowledgement from employer showing detailed daily duties and machinery under the applicant's care up to now -MANDATORY
- Other documents requested if necessary
- Create a Certificate and Submit for Renewal Application
Please contact the State Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSHA) office regarding the application. Please visit the website > CONTACT US for the State DOSH directory.