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Steam Boiler Design

Introduction to Steam Boilers and Fired Pressure Vessels
Every steam boiler and fired pressure vessel installed and used in this country must have a valid Certificate of Competence (CF). For this purpose, steam boilers and fired pressure vessels must first obtain design approval from the Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Headquarters before being built, installed or used.

Definition of “steam boiler” and “fired pressure vessel” under Act 139, Factories and Machinery Act, 1967, Section 3:

““steam boiler” ” means any closed vessel in which for any purpose steam is generated under a pressure higher than atmospheric pressure, and includes any economizer used to heat water supplied to the vessel, and any superheater used to heat the steam, and any pipes and fittings connected therewith.

“fired pressure vessel” means a closed vessel under pressure higher than atmospheric pressure which is subject to direct combustion, but does not include a steam boiler.

Here are some examples of steam boilers and fired pressure vessels that need to be registered:

  1. Thermal Oil Heater
  2. Pest Control Tools
  3. Electric Steam Boiler
  4. Water Tube Steam Boiler
  5. Fire Tube Steam Boiler
  6. Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG)
  7. Hot Water Boiler

A. Manufacturing

All local steam boilers must be built by Competent Firm (FYK) who is registered with the Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSHA) and only the FYK is responsible for submitting the design approval application.

Meanwhile, imported steam boilers must be built by the manufacturer and accompanied by a design verification certificate from the Inspection Authority.

B. Modification

Applications for renovation works must be submitted to the Head Office for approval. Renovation works can only be carried out by Competent Firm (FYK) registered or original makerThe applicant must clearly state in the application letter the proposed modifications that he/she wishes to carry out on the steam boiler or fired pressure vessel.

The scope of renovation works that have been determined by the Department are works that involve cutting, welding, accommodating or riveting parts that are affected by fluid pressure. apart from the scope of repair as follows:

For steam boilers, changes in the arrangement of tubes in the furnace walls, economizers and superheaters.

without changes to the original design that has been approved by the Department or,

with permitted changes to the original design that has been approved by the Department, namely:

replacement of material in the part exposed to fluid pressure where the allowable stress is equal to or greater than the original material, provided that the replacement material meets the requirements of the original design code of the machinery. The minimum thickness of the material shall be equal to or greater than the thickness of the original material.

replacement of 'slip-on flange' with 'weld neck flanges' or vice versa.

Installation of a 'flush patch' on the part affected by fluid pressure.

adding a nozzle without reinforcement which does not require design calculations based on the requirements of the original design code of the machinery.

the addition of a reinforcement nozzle, provided that the specification of the reinforcement nozzle is the same as one of the original reinforcement nozzle designs, is located in the same section and the distance from the other nozzles shall be no less than three times the diameter of the additional reinforcement nozzle.

A. Application

B. Customer Charter
Applications submitted with complete documents will be processed within 30 working days from the date the application is received.

C. Payment Rates

1Steam boiler design approval (complying with standard requirements)RM100
2Steam boiler design approval (does not comply with standard requirements) RM150
3Steam boiler modification approvalNo Fee

Any questions, please contact:
Head of Steam Boiler Unit,
Steam Boiler Unit,
Industrial Safety Division,
Level 3, Block D4, Complex D,
Federal Government Administration Center
62530 Putrajaya

Tel: +603-88865325
Fax: +603-88892349

External Links


Department of Occupational Safety and Health

Level 5 (Main Counter), Setia Perkasa 4,
Setia Perkasa Complex,
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan,
62530 Putrajaya

Tel: 03-8000 8000

Fax: 03-8889 2443


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Updated Date:

10 / 2 / 2025

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