Prepared by Ir. Dr. Mohd Fairuz bin Ab Rahman, Ts. Nazruddin bin Mat Ali, Mohamad Syamir bin Senin
- BIM – Building Information Modeling is a collaborative way of working based on digital technology that enables more efficient methods when planning, completing and maintaining physical built assets.
- Launch Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) National Policy requires DOSH as an enforcement agency to understand how modern digital technology, such as BIM, can benefit occupational safety and health (OSH) performance at construction sites.

- The benefits are not limited to large-scale projects, but even medium-sized projects can benefit from improved design accuracy, and the ability to increase collaboration among project teams through information modeling.
- BIM, used correctly, can help project teams to implement recommendations to them in OSHCIM Guidelines.
- Some of the benefits that have been identified are:
- Discussing using models helps construction project teams identify and mitigate risks during planning;
- Modeling the site environment helps plan logistics, ensure good access and egress, and can control risks to the public;
- Using a combination of models for overlap detection is very effective, for example, in saving time spent on site adjusting pipe routes and reducing risk exposure when drilling holes in concrete;
- Adding a timeline, and animating the construction sequence can help designers create repeatable models;
- Joint reviews between the client, designer and contractor before work begins on site can identify problems, find solutions, and identify ways to save project time. Efficiency, getting it right the first time, avoids waste, stress and accidents that occur when work has to be changed at the last minute. Better collaboration results in better OSH performance.
- Beyond the design process, more benefits are gained when OSH information is produced, shared and stored for reuse by others on site or in future projects, for example as part of a Safety and Health File.
- Models built in the design process can be reused, for example to develop visual method statements and to show how maintenance work should be performed. Facility managers can use the models built to aid decision-making and risk assessment.
- BIM needs to be adopted with the implementation of a Common Data Environment (CDE) where stakeholders collaborate collectively directly in a single cloud-based information system source that can facilitate access to: safety and health information; existing information and obtain design information from other designers. This can be used to review safety and health hazards, obtain pre-construction information, record significant risks and how these risks are managed or controlled and prevent overlap between design elements such as plant and structural components.
- Some of the uses and benefits of BIM are shown in this video:
For more information regarding this video, contact:
Dr. Louis Tay CS
Malaysian Technology Association
- The introduction of BIM, which involves digital record management for plans, methods and other documents, ensures that all documents related to design and construction are expected to be stored electronically.
HSE Website, UK.
The Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) of Malaysia has issued Guidelines Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Industry (Management) OSHCIM in February 2017. OSHCIM is an approach based on concepts such as Prevention through Design PtD (in the United States), Safe Design (in Australia), Design for Safety (DfS) (in Singapore) and Construction Design Management (CDM) (in the UK).
Significant changes to OSHCIM, when compared to the existing OSH legislative framework are as follows, namely OSHCIM: occurs in the design, construction, maintenance and demolition phases (full cycle); Aims at the planning, design and management of construction projects; Sets standards/objectives to be achieved; and The primary responsibility lies with the owner/developer, principal designer and principal contractor. The concept of OSHCIM is foreign to the industry and also the majority of industry players (construction organizations) and this is a major problem in the implementation of OSHCIM. Therefore, it is important for organizations to clearly demonstrate their capabilities and capabilities in OSH practices so that the process of development and transition to OSHCIM in the construction industry can be facilitated. We believe that the OSHCIM maturity assessment model (which currently does not exist) namely, Organizational Capability Maturity for OSHCIM (OCM-OSHCIM) enabling industry players to know exactly what they need to do to improve the level of OSHCIM implementation in construction projects.
Advantages of OCM-OSHCIM
OCM-OSHCIM is an instrument used for the purpose of strengthening the process for design organizations to improve their OSHCIM capabilities. This assessment instrument has a mechanism to ensure the OSHCIM capability of the organization, under the relevant OSH regulations.
This instrument is expected to be able to help foster OSHCIM practices among construction organizations and subsequently drive towards achieving better OSH performance through prevention-oriented practices.
Industry players or design organisations can also use this assessment instrument to measure organisational capability and make decisions in the procurement process. This instrument was created to overcome the limitations (e.g., descriptive and checklist) of existing organisational assessment measurement tools (e.g., the Construction Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PAS 91) in the UK, the Consideration Checklist for Lead Designers and Designers in OSHCIM).
Benefits of Commercialization
The use of the OCM-OSHCIM assessment model in the industry should be expanded to strengthen the benefits in the OSHCIM implementation process. OCM-OSHCIM partnerships with the industry should be carried out openly so that the achievement towards sustainable strengthening of OSHCIM practices can be realized.
Excel spreadsheet OCM-OSHCIM can be downloaded as software (royalty free) via the following link:
1. Guidelines for the Safe Use of SCPPS were developed to assist manufacturers, suppliers, consultants and contractors to understand the importance of managing the hazards and safety and health risks arising from the design, installation, inspection, use, maintenance and overhaul of SCPPS.

2. These guidelines aim to ensure the safety of SCPPS for contractors, employees and other persons who may be affected by the hazards and risks arising from work involving the use and operation of SCPPS.
MBAM website:
Prepared by Ir. Dr. Mohd Fairuz bin Ab Rahman, Dr. Mohamad Syamir bin Senin and Ir. Wan Mohd Fadzil bin Wan Sapiansori
Tower Crane System Monitoring (TSM) is a system that monitors the operation of tower cranes using digital technology to assist contractors in operating the machinery more safely. Sensors and early warning systems will reduce the possibility of crane operators making mistakes during tower crane operations.
Tower cranes are used to lift loads during the construction of tall buildings and are very important machinery to speed up the construction process. However, there have been several incidents involving tower cranes. Incidents are usually caused by:
- crane operator negligence;
- worn out crane parts;
- incompetent crane operators; and
- overload.
There have also been several cases of tower crane accidents involving people. When an accident occurs, construction work must be stopped while an investigation by the DOSH is conducted. This is a costly process for the contractor and also an undue loss to the victim and his family.
The use of TSM can ensure that tower crane operations are carried out safely and thus reduce the possibility of accidents.
Some of the advantages of TSM are:
- This system uses a black box that will collect and transmit operational data for secure storage in cloudData can be downloaded when needed;
- ensure that the load lifted does not exceed the safe working load;
- equipped with anti-collision and zoning systems; and
- Tower crane operations can be monitored online using a mobile application. Tower crane operations can also be stopped remotely.
TSM can be installed on all tower crane models. The TSM device is installed outside the crane control system to prevent interference with the crane system.
Regarding HiCharm Technology Sdn. Bhd.
HiCharm Technology Sdn Bhd is a company based on engineering and digital technology. The company currently supplies two digital technology products using an integrated information network platform known as HiCharm cloud.
Further information regarding TSM and ESM can be obtained via the following link: