Noise Control at Construction Sites
1 The Occupational Safety and Health (Noise Exposure) Regulations 2019 have replaced the Factories and Machinery (Noise Exposure) Regulations 1989 and came into force on 1 June 2019. This guidance is to assist clients (project owners) and principal contractors in planning and implementing compliance with the requirements. Noise Exposure Regulations in their construction projects. Industry Code of Practice for Occupational Noise Exposure Management and Hearing Conservation 2019 provided for guidance in complying with the requirements of the Noise Exposure Regulations.
2 91% occupational diseases reported in 2019 were related to exposure to excessive noise at workThe Noise Exposure Regulations define excessive noise as a daily noise exposure level exceeding 82 dB(A), a daily personal noise dose exceeding fifty percent, a maximum sound pressure level exceeding 115 dB(A) at any time, or a peak sound pressure level exceeding 140 dB(C).
Planning Phase
3 During the project planning phase, the client should consider the need for noise control, either at the construction site or in its surroundings. The required noise control methods can be detailed in the client's specifications (see Figure 1) which are included with the tender documents.

Figure 1. Client specifies seven noise control elements during the planning phase.
4 This detail will ensure that appropriate control measures have been identified and resources allocated to provide these control measures. It will also provide the principal contractor with the opportunity to plan how best to control noise hazards during the planning phase.

Figure 2. The principal contractor provides a noise exposure control policy and plan in the Construction Phase Plan for the project.
5 The noise exposure control plan may contain actions that will be taken to meet the objectives of the noise exposure control policy and reduce noise exposure. It may also contain information on how the principal contractor will meet legal and contractual requirements, as in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Contents of Noise Exposure Control Plan.
Construction Phase
6 The principal contractor should prepare a site plan (Figure 4) and coordinate the work of the contractors so that their work does not expose workers to noise hazards. The principal contractor is encouraged to appoint an employee as a supervisor for all work involving excessive noise.

Figure 4. Site planning content for supervisors.
7 During construction work, the implementation of the noise exposure control plan should be monitored. This monitoring can be done jointly by the client and the principal contractor for aspects such as Figure 5.

Figure 5. Monitoring aspects of noise exposure control plans at construction sites.
8 This guide was prepared by Mohd Fairuz Ab Rahman, Elaini Wahab, Mohd Fiqri Mohd Hanafi & Mohamad Syamir Senin. Further inquiries regarding this guide can be emailed to: Elaini Wahab (, Mohd Fiqri Mohd Hanafi ( or Mohamad Syamir Senin (