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JKKP State

  • Enforce the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 and the Regulations thereunder.
  • ⁠Conducting an OSH management system audit.
  • Manage and coordinate OSH auditing activities
  • Take punitive action.
  • ⁠Provide technical support services in safety and health to the relevant sector.
  • ⁠Prepare Monthly Reports on audit results and effectiveness to the KKP to be sent to Headquarters.
  • Conduct periodic plant inspections on:
    • Steam Boiler
    • Pressure Vessel
    • Lifting Machinery
    •  Elevators, Escalators and Moving Walks
  • Manage and coordinate periodic inspection matters related to the above plants.
  • Carry out general ergonomic enforcement/inspection and specific inspections such as 'standing at work', 'sitting at work', 'visual display unit', 'manual handling', 'control and display' and 'hand tools'.
  • Conduct an ergonomic audit of the workplace.
  • Conduct compliance monitoring and follow-up actions.
  • Filling and management of ergonomic enforcement/inspection databases.
  • Providing advisory and expert services to industry and the public.
  • Carrying out enforcement of noise regulations.
  • Conducting inspections of other physical hazards such as vibration, lighting, thermal stress, EMF, ionizing radiation and non-ionizing radiation.
  • Conduct monitoring/measurement at the workplace.
  • Carrying out enforcement of chemical and biological occupational safety components in:
    • Occupational Safety and Health Act, 1994
  • Carrying out occupational biological risk assessment programs and monitoring programs.
  • Conduct work to detect psychosocial occupational problems.
  • Planning and monitoring all programs developed under the 12th RMK and OSHMP25 development plans such as SOLVE 4 SME which will be implemented by state offices.
  • Organize strategies to help SMEs comply with OSH legal requirements through new initiatives and implementation progress is analyzed annually and recommended for review every 5 years.
  • Draft, study and revise departmental legislation and policies related to OSH for use in the SME sector.
  • Organize new hazard control strategies identified from work activities at SMEs.
  • To become an integrated information center for the state office's IKS Section and the International Policy and Research Development Division (BDAPP) of DOKKP.
  • Receive and collect monthly information and reports conducted by the SME section of the state office.
  • Analyze information on the implementation and effectiveness of programs/activities carried out by state offices.
  • Providing advisory, technical and expert services to state offices, companies and SMEs 
  • Coordinate SMI training programs for specific DOSH officers involved in activities in related sectors.
  • Coordinate the standardization of OSH law enforcement programs in the SME sector by state offices.
  • Issuing a specific annual report for SMEs to the International Policy and Research Development Division (BDAPP) of DOKKP.
  • Processing registration and renewal applications for Occupational Safety and Health Coordinator (OSH Coordinator) course training providers
  • Provide enforcement guidance for legal compliance related to OSH Coordinator
  • Register a construction site.
  • Conduct inspections at construction sites.
  • Conducting audits of occupational safety and health management systems at construction sites.
  • Review and evaluate construction site technical documents.
  • Provide technical support services.
  • Take punitive action.
  • Monitor construction site OYK/OYB.

The Occupational Health Section is responsible for the enforcement, promotion and protection of health in the workplace at the state level. The duties and responsibilities of the Occupational Health Section include:

  • Conduct workplace investigations regarding the implementation of the Medical Surveillance Program, including compliance with Medical Removal Protection (MRP) as well as compliance with other aspects of occupational health.
  • Conducting investigations into cases of occupational diseases and occupational poisoning reported by Occupational Health Doctors (OHD) and employers.
  • Conducting investigations into complaints related to occupational diseases and occupational poisoning.
  • Assist in monitoring Occupational Health activities carried out by OHD, especially the Medical Surveillance Program and audiometric testing.
  • Reviewing data on occupational diseases and occupational poisonings that are investigated before being reported to headquarters.
  • Assisting in the registration and renewal process of Occupational Health Doctor competency certificates under Section 31C and Section 31E Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994.
  • Promote the implementation of the Code of Practice on the Prevention and Management of HIV/AIDS in the Workplace, as well as the Code of Practice on the Prevention and Eradication of Drug, Alcohol and Substance Abuse in the Workplace.
  • Assist the Division in carrying out the Basic Occupational Health (BOH) Program, especially in the Small and Medium Industry sector.
  • Plan and hold seminars, workshops, and courses to promote occupational health awareness at the state level.
  • Providing advisory services to external agencies, health practitioners, occupational safety and health (OSH) practitioners and the public at the state level regarding occupational health issues.
  • Conducting a Health Screening Program (MyHess) and organizing a First Aid Program at the workplace for state office staff.
  • Conducting analysis work on OSH data and information such as plant data, accidents and occupational diseases.
  • Provide information and OSH data analysis reports.
  • Creating holistic methods to reduce the rate of occupational accidents, occupational diseases and others.
  • Distribute trend analysis reports on accidents and occupational diseases that frequently occur in the workplace to the Policy and Research Division, DOSH Headquarters.
  • Refine data based on local OSH information that can be used to help determine the direction of departmental and national OSH policies.
  • Provide information for use in the preparation of guidelines to prevent the risk of accidents and industrial diseases in the workplace.
  • Review, assess and approve plant installation permission applications received for registration.
  • Conduct initial inspections of the plant. 
  • Issuing certificates of qualification for new plants that have been inspected and found satisfactory.
  • Review, evaluate applications, and provide recognition to Steam Boiler Operators, Crane Operators, and Scaffolding Operators.
  1. Conducting investigations and preparing reports and investigation papers on cases:
    • Complaints from the public.
    • Accidental permanent disability not intended for prosecution and for the purpose of prosecution; and
    • Fatal accidents and preparing reports and investigation papers for prosecution purposes.
  2. Conducting investigations into cases of violations of the law and preparing reports and investigation papers for prosecution purposes in Court.
  3. ⁠Conducting investigations into accounts receivable cases for the purpose of civil claims by the DOSH Legal Advisor.
  4. Handle and store exhibits in a systematic and orderly manner and in accordance with legal requirements.
  5. ⁠Keep all records of completed trial cases.
  6. ⁠Research and review investigation papers to ensure whether the investigation is complete or not.
  7. ⁠Make thorough and detailed preparations and studies for the purpose of prosecution in Court.
  8. Handling prosecution cases, whether plea bargains or trials in the Magistrate's Court.
  9. Conduct a detailed study regarding the strengths and weaknesses of the case.
  • ⁠Enforce the Occupational Safety and Health (Control of Major Accident Hazards in Industry) Regulations 1996.
  • Create a list of major and non-major hazard installations.
  • Ensure the implementation of OSH systems in major and non-major hazard installations.
  • ⁠Providing technical expertise services to government and private agencies.
  • ⁠Enforcement of the Petroleum Safety (Safety Measures) (Transportation of Petroleum through Pipelines) Regulations 1985.
  • Establish a register of pipeline systems and bulk storage systems.
  • ⁠Ensure that pipeline and bulk storage systems are operated in accordance with code and standard requirements.
  • Ensure the integrity of pipeline and bulk storage systems through periodic inspections.
  • ⁠Ensure that the approved Special Inspection Scheme methodology is applied.
  • Monitor the implementation of the Special Inspection Scheme.
  • Manage and coordinate the receipt of information, posters, buntings, brochures, flyers, guidelines, promotional CDs, OSH materials for distribution to target groups and maintain a resource center to ensure they are always available and ready.
  • Coordinate the collection of data and promotional information related to OSH and ensure the provision of the latest statistics for the use of the National Council, internal and external customers.
  • Participate and provide coordination assistance in OSH promotion implementation activities from the National Council, employers, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) or industry associations at the state level.
  • Attend a series of scheduled promotional visits by members of the National Council to workplaces at the state level.
  • Organize and conduct awareness and promotion workshops on all guidelines, industry codes of practice or new OSH regulations that are enforced.
  • Provide budget input for the preparation of promotional and incentive materials.
  • Become a customer service center to obtain OSH data and information.

Provide support services to all department members in aspects of general administrative management, human resource management, financial management, information technology management and human capital development efficiently and effectively in the State DOSH.

  • Manage and coordinate administrative affairs of the State DOSH office
  • Carrying out responsibilities regarding planning, monitoring and processing related to the financial affairs of the State DOSH office
  • Manage counseling and advisory services for State DOSH officers
  • Managing the rental and maintenance of the State DOSH office
  • Manage and maintain State DOSH office vehicles and equipment
  • Managing file systems and correspondence
  • Manage the gazetting and processing of power cards and identification cards of State DOSH officers
  • Managing the verification and disposal of State DOSH assets
  • Manage and update service records of State DOSH officers
  • Manage, maintain and provide support services for the security and operation of information technology systems, hardware and networks of the State DOSH.

State DOSH Organization Chart

External Links


Department of Occupational Safety and Health

Level 5 (Main Counter), Setia Perkasa 4,
Setia Perkasa Complex,
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan,
62530 Putrajaya

Tel: 03-8000 8000

Fax: 03-8889 2443


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Updated Date:

10 / 2 / 2025

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