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Security section of the construction site



The Construction Site Safety Division (BKTB), DOSH Headquarters and the Construction Work Section (BKTB), State DOSH enforce safety, health and welfare laws on construction sites. Construction sites can be divided into two main categories, namely building operations and engineering construction works; and between the two there are a variety of activities and workplaces, as well as different risks. 

Essentially, employers have a significant legal responsibility to manage the safety and health risks of construction projects, which arise from their business activities. The BKTB and SKB are responsible for ensuring that employers on a construction project manage, effectively and proportionately, the safety and health of workers and other people on the construction site. To achieve this purpose, and the ultimate goal of preventing accidents on construction sites, the BKTB and SKB use a variety of legal actions (see Figure 1), to influence, encourage and advise employers and, where necessary, prosecute those who fail to fulfil their responsibilities. 

These legislative actions were used as a guide for BKTB and SKB to develop the Construction Industry OSH Strategic Plan (PSKKPIP), taking into account other critical factors such as industry size and demographics, accident statistics and risks. Nine legislative interventions were implemented at different times, according to the risk situation.  


Figure 1. Legislative actions

Based on these nine legislative interventions, annual work target activities (SKT) are set, focusing on the prevention principle, key risks and target groups. The activities determined to achieve the SKT will influence and trigger change, but the expected change is highly dependent on the actions of employers. This is because, in general, DOSH and in particular BKTB and SKB, alone cannot ensure safety and health, but depends on the reaction of all employers in the construction industry supply chain; and construction site inspections by DOSH alone will not be sufficient.  

BKTB and SKB continue to improve and enhance their efforts to influence and catalyze changes in employer behavior on construction projects. The initial impact can be seen in the more positive attitudes and awareness among workers (project managers, safety and health officers (SHOs), site safety supervisors (SSSs), crane operators and scaffolding operators) encountered during enforcement activities. In addition, more employers are aware and willing to take responsibility for OSH.

Punitive action is a catalyst for the process of changing the behavior of employers and workers. Every year, BKTB and SKB aspire to further improve the effectiveness of enforcement activities and punitive action. The positive results of punitive action are more employers practicing safe work systems, close cooperation between employers and workers in ensuring construction site safety and more effective management of major construction site hazards. 

BKTB and SKB are developing legal instruments (regulations, industry codes of practice and guidelines) that will require OSH management in construction projects to be led by the client and designer during the pre-construction phase, thus shifting the focus of OSH responsibility from the contractor during the construction phase to collaboration between the client, designer and contractor during the pre-construction, construction and post-construction phases. This legal instrument will be a key driver for a shift in the behaviour of employers in construction projects, thus improving the OSH performance of the construction industry.

  1. Provide expert services/be a consulting expert; related to construction OSH to
    o top management and DOSH officers;
    o Other government departments and agencies (JPK, JKR, CIDB, PAM, BEM, BQSM, etc.);
    o international companies/representatives (USDOL, JAICA, etc.);
    o industry players such as professional associations (IEM, ACAM, etc.), contractor associations (MBAM, PKMM, etc.), clients (Petronas, Sunway, Sime Darby, TNB, etc.), PPE practitioner associations (MyFOSH, etc.); and
    o Examination institutions (MQA, etc.) and educational institutions.
  2. Conducting research towards improving OSH performance in the construction industry
  3. Upgrading the quality of construction personnel by setting quality standards for
    o Competent Persons, particularly Scaffolding Supervisors and Scaffolding Inspectors; and
    o Trained people especially Scaffolding Installers, CDM Professionals and CDM Coordinators.
  4. Provide training to State DOSH in improving knowledge and skills in
    o Enforcement of CDM and WAH Regulations; and
    o Use of scaffolding.
  5. Monitor the performance of SHOs serving in the Construction Industry.
  6. Formulate/develop Guidelines/Guidelines related to Construction OSH.
  7. Produce writing, sharing and announcements related to construction OSH.
  8. Process and register Teaching Centers, Instructors and Assessors for the Scaffolding Operator course.
  9. Strengthen competency courses by setting high or appropriate benchmarks and then updating learning modules.
  10. Become a coordinator for the registration and renewal of Scaffolding OKs.
  1. Coordinate SKB enforcement activities at construction sites with
    o set routine enforcement focus;
    o setting enforcement methods/framework/procedures/guidelines; and
    o planning and organizing construction site operations;
  2. Improve the knowledge and understanding of officers with
    o holding regular meetings and discussions with the Head of Section;
    o organize appropriate training to carry out enforcement activities; and
    o review, improve and provide drone operation and OPS verticality training modules.
  3. Be a reference for drone operation and OPS verticality with
    o support for flight permit applications (CAAM) and filming (JUPEM);
    o support for procurement of repairs and maintenance; and
    o internet subscription and live streaming support.
  4. Monitor and collect data related to construction site enforcement from
    o Construction Site Operations;
    o drone use and OPS verticality; and
    o the use of body cameras and compact cameras.
  5. Conduct analysis and prepare OTP reports.
  6. Assist in drafting/developing Guidelines/Guidelines related to Construction OSH.
  7. Process and register Crane Operator Training Centers and Instructors.
  8. Review and improve the implementation of crane operator competency courses.
  9. Become a coordinator for the registration and renewal of Crane Operator OKs.
  1. Collect data/statistics
    o routine inspection activities (DS-01-006)
    o construction site personnel;
    o use of construction machinery;
    o injury and death; and
    o punitive action.
  2. Conduct analysis of data and statistics
  3. Coordinate, set and monitor
    o KPIs of the BKTB Director;
    o BKTB Annual Work Targets;
    o SKB's Annual Work Target; and
  4. Prepare reports
    o Construction OSH analysis
    o Annual Report Bulletin (BLT) for BKTB
  5. Collect and update related FAQs
    o Construction OSH (public inquiries)
    o SSS
  6. Organize SKB conferences.
  7. Assist in drafting/developing Guidelines/Guidelines related to Construction OSH.
  8. Process and register Teaching Centers and Teaching Personnel for
    o Construction Site Safety Supervisor (SSS);
    o CDM Professional; and
    o CDM Coordinator.
  9. Review and improve the implementation of SSS competency courses.
  10. Become a coordinator for SSS OK registration and renewal.
  11. Conduct an internal investigation into the misconduct of OK SSS.

Construction Site Division Organization Chart

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Department of Occupational Safety and Health

Level 5 (Main Counter), Setia Perkasa 4,
Setia Perkasa Complex,
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan,
62530 Putrajaya

Tel: 03-8000 8000

Fax: 03-8889 2443


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