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Small & Medium Industries (SMEs) and Non-Factory Sector (SBK) Division


The Small and Medium Industries and Non-Factory Sector Division (BIKSSBK) is responsible as the headquarters coordinator to coordinate programs carried out by two sections in the State DOSH office, namely the Small and Medium Industries Section (IKS) and the Enforcement Section (SP). These programs include coordinating development allocations for the 12th RM to implement the specified activities, setting methods and targets for workplace inspections, providing advisory services to stakeholders and improving the competence of State DOSH officers.

This division also collaborates with stakeholders and related work agencies such as federal and state civil service agencies, State Secretaries, associations and NGOs and other relevant parties. This collaboration aims to create cooperation to ensure that worker safety and health can be practiced in SMEs and all other economic sectors.

  • Plan and monitor all programs planned under the Malaysia Development Plan (RMK) and the Occupational Safety and Health Strategic Plan (OSHMP) implemented by the Small and Medium Enterprises Section (SIKS) & the state Enforcement Section (SP).
  • Receive and collect monthly information and reports carried out by State SIKS & SP
  • Analyze information on the implementation and effectiveness of programs or activities carried out by state offices.
  • Coordinate the standardization of OSH law enforcement programs in SMEs and other sectors by State offices
  • Issuing specific annual reports related to SMEs and other sectors to be supplied to the International Policy and Research Development Division (BDAPP) of DOSH
  • Planning and monitoring all programs developed under the 12th RMK and OSHMP25 development plans such as SOLVE 4 SME which will be implemented by state offices.
  • Organize strategies to help SMEs comply with OSH legal requirements through new initiatives and implementation progress is analyzed annually and recommended for review every 5 years.
  • Draft, study and revise departmental legislation and policies related to OSH for use in the SME sector.
  • Organize new hazard control strategies identified from work activities at SMEs.
  • To become an integrated information center for the state office's IKS Section and the International Policy and Research Development Division (BDAPP) of DOKKP.
  • Receive and collect monthly information and reports conducted by the SME section of the state office.
  • Analyze information on the implementation and effectiveness of programs/activities carried out by state offices.
  • Providing advisory, technical and expert services to state offices, companies and SMEs 
  • Coordinate SMI training programs for specific DOSH officers involved in activities in related sectors.
  • Coordinate the standardization of OSH law enforcement programs in the SME sector by state offices.
  • Issuing a specific annual report for SMEs to the International Policy and Research Development Division (BDAPP) of DOKKP.
  • Processing registration and renewal applications for Occupational Safety and Health Coordinator (OSH Coordinator) course training providers
  • Provide enforcement guidance for legal compliance related to OSH Coordinator
  • Enforce the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 and its regulations on the Non-Factory Sector (SBK).
  • Draft, study and review the Department's legislation and policies related to Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) for use in SBK.
  • Planning and monitoring OSH management system audit programs by state offices.
  • Receive and collect information and monthly reports carried out by the Enforcement Section of the state office
  • To become an integrated information center for the Enforcement Section of the state office.
  • Analyze information on the implementation and effectiveness of programs and activities carried out by state offices.
  • Providing advisory, technical and expert services to state offices and SBK.
  • Coordinate SBK training programs for specific DOSH officers involved in activities in related sectors.
  • Coordinate the standardization of OSH law enforcement programs in the SBK sector by state offices.
  • Issuing a specific annual report for SBK to be supplied to the International Policy and Research Development Division (BDAPP) of DOKKP

Organization Chart of the IKS and SBK Division

External Links


Department of Occupational Safety and Health

Level 5 (Main Counter), Setia Perkasa 4,
Setia Perkasa Complex,
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan,
62530 Putrajaya

Tel: 03-8000 8000

Fax: 03-8889 2443


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Bulan Ini: 1,027,333
Jumlah: 37,858,804

Updated Date:

10 / 2 / 2025

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