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Steam Boiler Operator

  • Section 31C (1), Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994, namely a person who intends to be registered as a competent person or registered training provider shall submit an application for registration to the Director General in such manner as the Director General may determine.
  • Section 31C(2), Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994, namely that an application under subsection (1) shall be subject to the payment of such fee as may be prescribed by the Minister and shall be accompanied by such documents and information as may be required by the Director General.

For Steam Boiler plants, there are 2 operator or caretaker competencies issued by the Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSHA), namely, Steam Boiler Operator Grade 1 and Grade 2:



12. (1) An owner or occupier shall ensure that any steam boiler is under the control of a competent person who is a steam boiler engineer either employed or acting as a visiting steam boiler engineer as specified in the Twelfth Schedule.

(2) An owner or occupier shall ensure that any steam boiler is operated and maintained by a competent person who is a steam boiler operator as specified in the Twelfth Schedule.


1.Applicants Who Want to Register as Steam Boiler Operators (New Registration)Registration and Renewal ApplicationSteam Boiler Operator Registration and Renewal Application GuideMyKKPNo Deadline Set
2.Applicants Who Want to Make a Re-Registration Notification, Which Is the Exchange of Physical Book to Certificate Slip (MyKKP)Notification of Re-registration of Certificate of Proficiency (Conversion of Book to Slip)Re-registration Notification GuideMyKKP & Email to State OfficeDecember 31, 2024
3.Existing Competency Holders (Certificate Slip Owners (MyKKP) That Do Not Have an Expiration Date)No Need to Make an Application or NotificationHolders of this competency will be granted an automatic expiration period of 3 years starting from 1 June 2024 until 31 May 2027 (please refer to profile on MyKKP)MyKKPNo Deadline Set


This guide is provided for applicants' reference when making new registration applications and Steam Boiler Operator renewal applications to ensure that applicants receive accurate and clear guidance and to avoid confusion for applicants regarding matters related to new registration applications and Steam Boiler Operator renewal applications. This application guide is divided into two (2), namely:


Section 31C (1), Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994, namely a person who intends to be registered as a competent person or registered training provider shall submit an application for registration to the Director General in such manner as the Director General may determine.

Section 31C (2), Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994, namely that an application under subsection (1) shall be subject to the payment of such fee as may be prescribed by the Minister and shall be accompanied by such documents and information as may be required by the Director General.


Steam Boiler Operator is a term for a competent person appointed by the owner or occupier to operate and maintain any steam boiler related plant as specified in regulation 12(2) of the Occupational Safety and Health (Plants Requiring a Certificate of Competence) Regulations 2024.


The scope of this guide applies to applicants who wish to apply as a Steam Boiler Operator.

Document Attachment:

*Note: This form can also be downloaded via the MyKKP system in the Guide/Others/Medical Forms Sub-Module.


All certificates of competency include Steam Boiler Operator (previously known as Steam Engine Driver / Boilerman) issued before or on May 31, 2024 under the Factories and Machinery Act 1967 (Act 139) which has no expiry date, must make a notification to the Department to obtain registration under the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (Act 514) before December 31, 2024 according to the conditions and methods set by the Department.


This Re-Registration Notification can only be applied for by Steam Boiler Operators who have a Steam Engine Driving Ability Certificate under the Factories and Machinery Act 1967 (Act 139) in physical form (book). which has no expiration date where the Steam Boiler Operator registration record is not in the Department's MyKKP system.


 3.1  MyKKP Account Registrationa) Applicants must register for a MyKKP account and obtain User ID and Password by completing the information as requested.

b) This MyKKP account is important because it is in line with the Department's requirements in digitizing all competencies and facilitating matters for further action by the Department and applicants.

c) If MyKKP account is not registered by the applicant, The data migration process cannot be performed..
 3.2 Notification to the Department at the State DOSHa) The applicant must notify the State DOSH according to latest work location through emailThe email subject is “Notification of Re-registration of Steam Engine Driving Ability Certificate (Whitening)”.

b) Applicants must also submit the documents and information as below
I. Steam Boiler Operator Record Update Form (Microsoft Excel); This form must be completed typed on a computer.
ii. Copy of identity card (colored front and back).
iii.Copy of physical fitness certificate (Books) of the highest grade only and need to be clear and concise.

c) The Department will review the application after receiving it.

d) Email list by state:
i. DOKKP WP Kuala Lumpur – (
ii. Selangor DOSH – (
iii. Johor JKKP – (
iv. Perak DOSH – (
v. Sarawak DOHS – (
i. JKKP WP Labuan – (
vii. DOKKP Melaka – (
viii. Pahang DOSH – (
ix. Terengganu DOKKP – (
x. Perlis JKKP – (
xi. DOKKP Negeri Sembilan – (
xii. Kedah JKKP – (
xiii. Penang DOSH – (
xiv. Kelantan JKKP – (
xv. Sabah DOKKP – (
 3.3 Data Migration Processa) Applicant data will be migrated into the MyKKP system.

b) Applicants can check by viewing the Competent Person Profile in the Applicant Profile section on their MyKKP account or checking the OYK (via the DOSH Portal/Review/Approval/Competent Person) within the period 14 days from the date the application is made.

c) No approval letter and registration certificate slip has been issued, the applicant can use the Competent Person Profile as proof of a valid Registration Certificate.

d) The registration period is 3 years from the date of approval.

4.0 Fee

There is no fee charged for this application.


If he fails to notify the department before or on 31 December 2024, his certificate of competency will be deemed to be revoked and he will no longer be able to operate or maintain steam boilers in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health (Plants Requiring a Certificate of Competence) Regulations 2024.

 Document Attachment:

External Links


Department of Occupational Safety and Health

Level 5 (Main Counter), Setia Perkasa 4,
Setia Perkasa Complex,
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan,
62530 Putrajaya

Tel: 03-8000 8000

Fax: 03-8889 2443


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Updated Date:

10 / 2 / 2025

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