Noise Risk Assessor
a) Penaksir Risiko Bising (NRA) merupakan orang yang bertanggungjawab menjalankan penaksiran pendedahan bising di tempat kerja sebagaimana yang dikehendaki di bawah Peraturan-Peraturan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (Pendedahan Bising) 2019.
b) Seseorang majikan hendaklah melantik, menggaji atau mengambil kerja orang kompeten yang dipanggil NRA bagi melaksanakan penaksiran bising menurut standard yang ditetapkan oleh Jabatan.
c) Penaksir Risiko Bising hendaklah:
- carry out noise risk assessments at the workplace as required under the Occupational Safety and Health (Noise Exposure) Regulations 2019 within the valid registration period;
- ensure valid calibration of noise measurement equipment used for noise risk assessment;
- notify the relevant DOSH state office Director at least 14 days before conducting any noise risk assessment;
- prepare and submit a complete noise risk assessment report to the employer within 30 days after the completion of the assessment;
- present the results of the assessment and noise control recommendations to the employer within 30 days after the completion of the assessment; and
- submit a brief noise risk assessment report to the Director General within 30 days after the completion of the assessment.