- Lift Machine Installers, Maintainers & Overhaulers
- Gas Cylinder Manufacturer / Refurbisher / Requalifier
- Lifting Machine Manufacturing Company
- Elevator, Escalator & Dumbwaiter Installation, Maintenance and Inspection Company
- Petroleum Contractor
- List of FYK and Elevator Principals
- Steam Boiler Installer (One-Off)
- Steam Boiler Manufacturing and Repair Company
- Pressure Vessel Manufacturing and Repair Company
- Pengapit
- Certified Gas Tester / Admission Supervisor
- Continuing Education Program (CEP) Points System
- Grade 1 and 2 Internal Combustion Engine Drives
- Hygiene Technician 1
- Hygiene Technician 2
- Indoor Air Quality Assessor
- Qualified Person (OYB) Elevator
- OYK Major Hazard
- Noise Risk Assessor
- Occupational Health Doctor
- Steam Boiler Operator
- Crane Operator
- Scaffolding Operator
- Qualified Person (OYB) Lifting Machinery
- Safety and Health Officer
- Construction Site Safety Supervisor
- Steam Boiler Engineer
- Audiometric Testing Center (PUA) – Mobile
- Audiometric Testing Center (PUA) – Static
- Lifting Machinery Installer And Opener
- Lifting Machinery Manufacturer
- Elevator, Escalator and Moving Walkway Installers & Operators
- LPG Cylinder Manufacturer, Repairer and Requalification
- Petroleum Contractor
- Steam Boiler Manufacturers, Repairs And Alterations
- Steam Boiler and Fireless Pressure Vessel Repairer
- Steam Boiler Installer
- Inspecting Authority
- Registered Training Provider CHRA Manual Third Edition
- CHRA Registered Training Provider
- Registered Training Provider CLASS Regulations 2013
- Confined Space Registered Training Provider
- Registered Training Provider Ergonomic Management Course
- Registered Training Provider Hygiene Technician 1 (HT1)
- Indoor Air Quality Assessor (IAQ Assessor) Training Centre
- Crane Operator Registered Training Provider
- Registered Training Provider OSH Coordinator
- Registered Safety and Health Officer Training Provider
- Registered Scaffold Operator Training Provider
- SiRAC Registered Training Provider
- Registered Training Provider Construction Site Safety Supervisor
- SOHELP Registered Training Provider
- Registered Steam Boiler Operator Training Provider
- Registered Steam Engineer Training Provider
- Any application for the Continuing Education Program (CEP) starting 1 April 2021 is through the MYSKUD system service which can be accessed through the MyKKP Single-Sign-On (SSO) System. Any manual application will not be processed.
- FAQ for Continuing Education Program (CEP) Applications
- Guide to Continuing Education Program (CEP) Applications